Thank you! Your autoimmune analogy feels right. A bit like cancer is a malfunction of our healing process, causing some cells to over-proliferate... but its dehumanising to call any humans ‘cancers’ in society.

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What I think hits the nail on the head is the dichotomy of the individual and the societal factors. On the one hand you have agency to respond to your needs and when they are not being fulfilled, on the other there are many external factors that can impair your ability to do so or are the cause of your stress in the first place. This week I have written about this on my Substack as well, and it was part personal reflection on how I wrested back some control and part how our society in many ways does not meet our needs (https://roberturbaschek.substack.com/p/stress-happiness-and-motivation)

Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

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