My thoughts are with you all. The world is watching and wishing very hard that America unites against this horrendous ideation and those associated with it. May you all protect each other x

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Standing ovation for this post!

As someone who has written novels and blog posts treating queer people (and, uh, women) in a friendly way, as well as scenes of unmarried folks having happy consensual sex, Iโ€™ve been staring in horror at the prospect that I might get jailed. For that. Me and thousands of writers like me. And, more urgently, Iโ€™m worried for all the friends I have who are trans and nonbinary. PLEASE HELP, fellow voters! ๐Ÿ’œ

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Aug 19ยทedited Aug 19Liked by Emily Nagoski

Thanks for your thoughtful email. I agree completely though Iโ€™m afraid that most of those who see it are already like-minded. But if you reach even one person then hooray!

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This is so not a drill - thank you for eloquently and thoroughly pitching your POV. And mine.

It comes down to the votes we cast for President, the Governors of our states, our local legislators -- even our local school boards when we see how these ideologies wish to ban books and remove tampons (or scoff at funding menstrual products in public school bathrooms).

We the people DO have POWER. We must choose to exercise the power we hold. No candidate nor party will ever be perfect. None ever has been perfect. We must choose courtesy, respect, decency. We must choose to move toward a brighter, more inclusive, more hopeful future. And our VOTES must reflect these ideals. We cannot fall for the rhetoric of fear. Fear is a tactic. Fear breeds other-ness. This is what the right-leaning side wants. Us vs. them thinking.

But it is not true. This is not the majority. This is a loud minority. And we must come out loudly and let it be known that as Americans we will not tolerate this sort of hatred, division, and removal of rights from people who are not white + Christian + MEN.

Thanks again for sharing.

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This is so important. Thanks for making the issues so clear, Emily.

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Aug 23Liked by Emily Nagoski

Thanks for the links!

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Aug 20Liked by Emily Nagoski

I love you Emily. Thank you.

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Aug 20Liked by Emily Nagoski

Thank you for writing and sharing this!

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