Hello, I like your article. However, the sculpture on the bottom is mine, from many years ago. Also, I made a female homunculus sculpture too but for some reason the male got more circulation. It was suppose to be a portrait of Van Gogh. Bryancrockettart on IG

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There is clearly a dearth in the field of female homuncular anatomy, one of many symptoms of the priapic predisposition of science as we know it. This may be an interesting question to put to Jessica Pin (AKA MediClit: <https://twitter.com/MediClit?s=20>).

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Hey! I have an idea for who might know... @CapobiaNB (Twitter). They've posted a few really interesting bits about the extent of the clitoris internally before, and have a strong interest in sharing info that is lacking due to medicine's focus on cismale as the standard model :)

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